Personal Essays

Your Job is Not Your Identity - RELEVANT

Sometimes I Wonder, Do I Want Another Baby? - Insider

How Pandemic Life is Like Life with a Newborn - Motherwell

To the mama caught between selfless and selfish - Motherly

Living Committed In A Throwaway World - Holstee

Wondering about Wanderlust: What Is It Worth and When You Should Stop - Thought Catalog

Define Success on Your Terms - Freelancers Union


Buster’s First Day of Kindergarten - North State Journal

Moon’s House - North State Journal

Other Projects

Remember Me - Young Oaks - lyrics

Moving Peaces - personal blog

Samantha takes clear and careful language and turns of phrase, often pithy, with poignant metaphor, to lead you to the place of being able to sit with a question or feel your vulnerability, in large part because she has been so vulnerable first.
— Stephanie Boyter, Peebles Writing Collective